So, what are the changes you have seen in India Bolivia relations in last 3 decades?
India is connected to the globe more than 3 decades ago. It feels great when you are the one who is promoting diplomatic relations between the two countries who are going to share great relationship in future. Being one of the biggest economies and market as well, India is looking towards boundless opportunities on the global level, the growing Indian market is also providing pleasing space and support to the other players also, and we too are planning to place our commodities and business in Indian market. We want to increase the presence of Indian companies and Indian diaspora in Latin America. In my opinion we should concentrate more on creating and developing better diplomatic relations in order to get more economic and trade prospects in near future. Setting up an embassy here in India is a step towards creating healthy and long-lasting relations between the two nations, hopefully soon India will also open an embassy in Bolivia to strengthen the bond, and it is also important for the country like yours,being 6th largest country in the world it is very important for India to have its presence across the world. Any nation should develop true perspective with other parts of the world through embassies and ambassadorial relations.
What are the major trade opportunities Bolivia is offering to India? What are the major commodities of export and import between the nations?
Currently, India and Bolivia are mainly dealing into automobiles, iron and steel, pharmaceuticals, machinery, rubber and plastic products and yarns and textiles. The major commodities imported by India from Bolivia are gold, leather and animal feed. I think there is a greater need of Indian products.
What are the major sectors for investment in Bolivia and how the landlocked country is developing pro- investoreconomy?
I think this comes to the important part that what I am trying to do in India due to be an enormous manufacturer of echoes . India is due to have energy storage mission they already has an electronic vehicle mission. Why? Because it needs a change from internal combustion Indians to electric peoples. Why? To suppress the problem of contortions and to reduce its mission which is a plus for all countries in the world looking for in the world in future for a greener environment. And although these things are seen like, they have to do with just our own reality, they have to do with connecting realities. Bolivia is the largest lithium majority of the world. What is Lithium? Lithium is in your pocket, in your phone, in your camera. Well, to be able to invest in Bolivia when it comes to lithium it would be a mince of securing the lithium demand of your country. Because everything for your country is millions. Because of your population because of your needs. Everyone needs a phone because everything is connected through a phone. You become the second largest manufacturer of phones in the world in three years. The major and flourishing sectors of Bolivia to invest includes, Agriculture and forest Mining, Lithium, Banking & Finance, Tourism and Manufacturing sector. Besides these industries, Oil reserves and Natural gas are full if immense opportunities.
So, what are your plans to give boost to bilateral relationship between India and Bolivia?
We expect more high-level visits should get exchange between the two countries, both of us should try to enhance each other presence and position on global stage. We should encourage more one-another on the ground of education, tourism, trade and cultural exchanges.
Now a days, tourism is playing a quite vital role in our any country’s economy and cultural growth, please share what major tourism opportunities are available in Bolivia and how are you making it more efficient?
Bolivia is a country with great tourism potential, with many attractions, due to its diverse culture, geographic regions rich history and food.In the country there are six World Heritages declared by the UNESCO. There are ample number of places to visit and retreat your senses. The country is full of centuries old natural attractions such as Tiwanaku, Noel Kempff Mercado National Park,Madidi National Park, and much more to explore.

Your message for the readers of Envoy Excellency.
I find it to in honourable taxing for a country such as yours. It’s not easy, but it’s original. We Bolivian embassy thank you for your efforts. And prolonging and permitting us to stretch our ties with a great country such as yours. I think that, media, tabloid such as yours’ are crucial for us to convey our thoughts and messages to the people.