Kyrgyzstan at a Glance

Uncover Kyrgyzstan's stunning mountains, rich culture, and exciting outdoor adventures in one amazing place!

The Kyrgyz Republic – formal name of the country, situated at the heart of the Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan tourism became very popular recently. Our mountainous country bordered by Kazakhstan on the north, Uzbekistan on the west and southwest, Tajikistan on the southwest, China on the east. Kyrgyzstan is sometimes misspelled as Kirgizistan, Kirghizia. Kyrgyzstan capital is Bishkek town, the largest city of the country. Kyrgyz derivate from Turkic work “kyrk” – forty, litteral translation – “we are forty”. Manas epic told the story of joining 40 kyrgyz tribes by main hero Manas.

Kyrgyzstan is popular by Kyrgyzstan mountains, Kyrgyzstan ranges – Celestial Mountains – The Tien-Shan. Kyrgyzstan tourism is developing very fast in last decade, that is due to the rich natural and cultural heritage, historical crossroad on the path of the Great Silk Road and Soviet Union period of the country. Silk Road Heritage Corridor – Chang’an-Tien-Shan was passing by the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Kyrgyzstan having more than 80 ethnics – it is a mosaic and country of interest in wide spheres of life. Kyrgyzstan travel could be interesting outcome from the variety of destinations. Kyrgyzstan accept visa free regime. Time in Kyrgyzstan moves very fast, different places, people, scenery, nature.

A Central Asian state bordering China, Kyrgyzstan became independent with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

It has some oil and gas and a developing gold mining sector, but relies on imports for most of its energy needs.

Resentment at widespread poverty and ethnic divisions between north and south have spilled over into violence, and three presidents have been swept from power by popular discontent since independence.

Settled by Kyrgyz tribes from southern Siberia in the 17th Century, the area was ruled by various regional powers before coming under Russian and then Soviet rule.

Most of its six million people are Turkic-speaking Muslims. Russia maintains a military airbase in the country.


Population of the Kyrgyz Republic is about 6,200,000. This population is equivalent to 0.08% total world population and ranks number 111 in the list of countries by population. The population density in Kyrgyzstan is 32 per km2.

Total land area is 191,800 km2. 35,6% of population is urban. The median age in Kyrgyzstan is 25,5 years. The largest ethnic group is Kyrgyz – 73,3%.  Other big ethnic groups are Uzbek – 14,7%, Russian – 5,5%, others – 6,4%.  There are over 80 ethnicities in Kyrgyzstan – Dungans, Uygurs, Tajiks, Kazakh, Ukrainians, Kurds and Germans, etc. During the Soviet times, Russian also took the majority of nationalities in Kyrgyzstan, in 1959 Russian kept more than 30% of the population. After Independence most of the ethnic Russian moved to Russia. Most of the Tajik and Uzbek minorities located at the Southern part of the Kyrgyzstan, because during the USSR, there was no strict borders and neighboring country citizens can move slightly on the border areas. Dungans – Chinese Muslims and Uygurs mostly moved up from Chinese side and mostly settled down in Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Chuy regions.

Multinational population of Kyrgyzstan is a richness of the country, with different cultures, languages, confession and background, nevertheless today they are united in one country, being the smalt of the mosaic.


Bishkek is the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic. Its political, economic and cultural center. Bishkek located at Chuy region, at the slopes of the Kyrgyz Range, at about 700-900 meters above sea level, 25 km near to the Kazakh Border. Bishkek to Almaty takes 250 km, 3 hours of driving. Total territory of the town is 127 km2, territory with nearby villages and areas is about 200 km2. Total population of the town is about 1,000,000 people.

Bishkek History

First archeological signs dated from V-IV c. BC were found at the current territory of Bishkek town. Chui valley was advantageous and favorable stop on the Great Silk Road. Ancient settlement of Djiul (VII-XII centuries) was located at the Northern part of the town, till our days’ people call it Kuznechnayakrepost – “forge fortress”, because of the densely populated area of handicrafts, artisans and merchants. In 1825 there was settlement of Pishpek, organized by Madali Khan from Kokand Khanid. Two times Pishpek citadel attacked and destroyed by Russian troops. Later on there was organized bazaar and settlement, at 1878 Pishpek became town. In 1924 here arrived Check and Slovak cooperative “Interghelpo”, they built up town and Pishpek became administrative center of Kyrgyz Autonomic Country. In 1926 town renamed into Frunze, named after Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze – revolutionary, soviet military and statesman, head of Red Army of the Soviets. In 1936 – Frunze is a capital of Kyrgyz Soviet Republic. In 1991 after the Independence town was renamed to its historical name Bishkek.


Main official language is Kyrgyz (Turkic language of Kipchak branch) from 1991. In 1997 Russian language was adopted as an official language. Kyrgyz written in the Arabic alphabet until the 20thcentury. In Latin scripts was written from 1928 till 1941. From that period Kyrgyz language is in Cyrillic script. According to the last notes 4,1 million people spoke Kyrgyz and 2,5 million spoke Russian.


Islam is a dominant religion of the Kyrgyzstan – about 80% – non-denominational Muslims, 17% followers of Russian Orthodoxy, 3% other religions.

During the Soviet time the strong believe in atheism was greeted. Strong believe of nomads – Tengrizm- characterised by shamanism, totemism and ancestors worship was popular among the people. Tengri – is an eternal blue sky, heaven and holy spirit of the sky, Father kept people from disasters and kept people alive. Umai Ene – is a Mother – goodness of fertility. That kind of thoughts and believes helped people to live in severe climate and geographical conditions to stay alive and kept up for centuries. Till these days small part of this cult used in everyday life, keep up from the bed eye with the smoke of a juniper and bowl of the clean water. That is another big world of Kyrgyz believes.

Kyrgyz hospitality

The nomadic tribes of Kyrgyzstan are known for their hospitality, kindness and openness – these qualities remain unchanged for centuries. Kyrgyz people are always meet to have guests and treat them with great respect. There are three types of guests: mildettukonok- obligatory guests, come to a wedding or funeral; the duties of accommodating such guests are distributed among related families or between residents of the whole village.

Taanyshkonok – familiar guests – which include distant relatives or friends who are treated more freely, depending on the degree of kinship and the relationship between the host and the guest. The third type of guests Kudai shelter guest, konok from, God traveler who applies for receiving traditionally, Kyrgyz families are obliged to provide food shelter and any person who crosses the threshold they are at home after sunset and asked to stay the night. If the family is too poor, come to her aid relatives come.

It is important to preserve the good name of the tribe. Guests can stay in houses of Kyrgyz families or in yurt camps offering the opportunity to touch nomadic life. The yurt symbolizes the connection between the Kyrgyz people and their land. Decorated with traditional carpets (shyrdaks) and embroidered handmade products, the cold yurt offers a surprisingly warm and comfortable shelter at night on high-altitude landscapes.


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